Liew Suet Fun
Suet Fun is a full-time writer and author of eighteen books of non-fiction and poetry. They include “Gilding the Lily – Everyday Portraits of Malaysian Women”, “One Day Three Autumns”, Our Land Within – Passages through Southeast Asian Communities”. Her most recent books are “Beguiled On Larut Hills” and “The Bario Journals – Lem Ayu Ulun”.
Besides writing, Suet-Fun has served on the Board of Studies for the English with Communications degree programme at University Tun Abdul Razak (UNITAR) and has provided training in creative writing for biotechnology professionals.
She began her career as an advertising copywriter, eventually moving into public relations consulting. As a public relations practitioner, she worked for international firms, including Hill & Knowlton, MDK and Fleishman Hillard.
It was in 2005, at the age of 45, that she eventually became a full-time author, realising a quiet ambition she had harboured all her life. The demise of her beloved mother, the understanding that much of what we are is a choice and the knowledge that the window of opportunity is transient were some of the reasons that moved her to make this life-changing decision.
Suet Fun holds an honours degree in English Literature and Diploma in Teaching (TESL) from the University of Malaya.